alex shrapnel's writing (yeah, dot neocities dot org, because if you think I'm gonna shell out for a paid domain then, frankly, you're nuts)

Look at that. There's three cool/badass monkeys swingin' away up there under the title.

I hope those monkeys are distracting. I hope they annoy you as you're trying to read these words.

You can find most of my writing here (unless it's been properly published elsewhere, in which case I'll link to it). I mostly do SF/F short stories and the like, but non-fiction will pop up occasionally. This place also nominally serves as a blog, but we'll see how that goes. Look, Mum, I can do obnoxious italics!

speaking of obnoxious, check out this absolutely sicknasty comic page my dude

aww did someone not have their browser zoom set to 10%? get fucked idiot

Until I actually learn HTML properly, I'm going to manually update this site by editing the index.html file manually. Like a goddamn caveman. Check out these awesome gifs

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

(this image was provided by neocities but I'm never gonna get rid of it. wear your neocities watermark with pride, comrades)

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

No, there's no mobile version of this page. You WILL view it on a desktop, as god intended.